Schoolhouse Select
People who try Schoolhouse Select are impressed with the smooth and flavorful taste. Most coffee I find at the super market has a burnt or bitter taste indicative of a roaster that fell asleep on the job or was working with poor quality coffee beans. Schoolhouse Select uses only Specialty Grade Arabica coffee beans from some of the finest coffee farms in Central and South America. Our premium roast coffee is produced by a master roaster with more than 32 years of experience. They are certified fair trade, roasted to order, and have a quality and freshness you can taste. Best of all, Schoolhouse Select coffees and teas support your community.
I am an owner and operator of a B&B in the Texas Hill Country. Good coffee is an essential at my inn. I serve my guests Schoolhouse Select every morning. The aroma that fills my house while brewing this wonderful coffee reminds me of visits to European B&B ‘s years ago. The taste matches the aroma. You must try this coffee. I also offer my guests tea and have received rave reviews on the Schoolhouse Select teas. Serving these incredible products is even more special knowing I am supporting a very good cause.