Archive by Author

Why I love the Christmas Holiday

Yes, buying presents can be stressful but opening them sure is fun. The real reason I love this holiday is because it gives people an excuse to come together, share a meal, and have a warm drink. Friends that have fallen out of touch can reunite and patch things up and start the new year […]

Brewing one cup of tea

Migraine Relief

My wife suffers from occasional migraine headaches.  We have found our Plum Berry Midnight Black Tea to be a great cure.  To prepare, I put 1 teaspoon of loose tea into our infuser and fill the cup with boiling water.  Black Tea is best when the water is very hot.  She likes it without any […]

For a Cause

Schoolhouse Select

People who try Schoolhouse Select are impressed with the smooth and flavorful taste. Most coffee I find at the super market has a burnt or bitter taste indicative of a roaster that fell asleep on the job or was working with poor quality coffee beans.  Schoolhouse Select uses only Specialty Grade Arabica coffee beans from […]